(MIGRATED)Middlebury College


Small Outer House



# Days:


Valid for Vehicle

2014 Jeep Wrangler (Silver) MA 4TBC69

^^^ FOLD HERE ^^^

Vehicles with a ?E? permit can park in the following lots:

Jewett House Lot
48 South Street Lot
Weybridge and Homestead House Lot
637 College Street Lot
Turner House Lot
Homer Harris House Lot
G Lot (Twilight Hall) - No overnight parking
R Lot (Ridgeline) S & E permit spaces only
Track Lot (Porter Field Road)
Q Lot (Mahaney Arts Center) faculty/staff spaces closest to the MCFAbuilding only) - No overnight parking
DO NOT PARK in student sections of C, D, E or Q lots. If your House lot is full, you may park in other Small Outer House lots.

This permit is valid for August, September, October, November, December and January starting on the date you select.

Cut the permit on the fold here line and affix the permit to the inside of the back windshield, directly behind the driver's seat.

Parking information can be found online at go/parking/.