Welcome! We are excited to offer the convenience of online permit registration and citation management. Winter Quarter 2025 permits will be available for purchase on December 16th, 2024.
You will first need to create a personal account.
When you are finished creating your account, you will return to this page. Then click on the "Register/Purchase Permits" link below to begin registering.
Please be Prepared to Provide the Following Information:
If you have any questions or issues with the process, please contact the Transportation Office at Transportation@seattlecolleges.edu. Please also contact Transportation Office if you need to purchase a replacement permit.
Refund Policy:
100 percent refund
Withdrawal from classes due to cancellation by college. Withdrawal during the first 5 instructional days (less a $10 fee) of the college quarter or during the first 4 days of summer quarter.
50 percent refund (less a $10 fee)
Withdrawal by Friday of the 3 week of the college quarter or within 14 calendar days from the start of the quarter in summer unless the 14th day falls on a Friday in which case, the deadline is the Friday before the 14 day.
0 percent refund
After the 20 calendar day or 14 calendar day of summer quarter.